EU Investigates Bayer / Monsanto Deal

The EU Commission is undertaking the an in-depth probe in the $66bn takeover of Monsanto by Bayer.  EU authorities have concerns that the deal would reduce competition in areas such as pesticides, seeds and GM traits.  The investigation has been widely expected as the EU conducted similar probes into both the Syngenta-ChemChina and Dow-DuPont deals.  Bayer had already offer a number of ‘fixes’ at the end of July which are likely to have included selling parts of the merged business where there is the greatest overlap.  This seems not to have been enough to allay the EU’s concerns.  European Competition authorities have until 8th January to complete there investigations.  The two companies were hoping to conclude the deal by the end of 2017, so it appears the investigation will cause some delay.

August Harvest Round-up


Harvest has progressed well with good conditions for most of the time despite short rain breaks.  AHDB reports suggest the winter barley and winter oilseed rape crops are now all-but completed, with estimated national average yields of 7.1 tonnes per hectare and 3.5 tonnes per hectare respectively.  These are both marginally above the national 5-year averages.  For oilseed rape, the oil content is also historically high at 45%.  Spring barley, which at the end of last week (25th) sat at 40% harvested, also shows good yields, but nitrogens are high and grain merchants are reporting slightly higher screenings for both winter and springs than hoped for.  We might expect lots of feed barley this year.

By 24th August, the wheat harvest was 68% completed, which is ahead of usual (out of the last 5 years, only 2014 was further forward). However, considering the dry spells ahead of harvest it is remarkable how consistent harvest timings tend to be. Reports suggest winter wheat yield averaging about 8.2 tonnes per hectare (again slightly ahead of the 5-year average of 8.0 tonnes per hectare) with yields good in the south and not so good further north.  Recent rain has frustrated farmers with ripe crops in the field, and lodging risks rising. There are some reports of lodged oats, possibly as much as 15% in some regions.

Bean yields have been impressive, and, although the beans often look clean and hole-less, many have ripened with the Bruchid Beetle still inside the bean, and unable to eat its way out.  There are high levels of Bruchid Beetle this year suggesting lots of beans in the feed bin and less for human consumption and therefore export to higher value markets.  Protect those of highest quality.

Much of the autumn oilseed rape drilling has been done, with some already appearing through the soil in the East Midlands and presumably further south.  For those away from the Flea Beetle regions, this year’s high yield and current strong prices could encourage a higher planted area than last year.

Other Market Factors

Grain exports from the EU are very slow this year, with global grain prices continuing to bounce along contract lows.  With record crops being harvested in Russia export competition is strong from the Black Sea region.  Conditions are about ideal in the US, for maize growing and wheat harvesting, again meaning there is minimal yield loss, further depressing prices.  The International Grains Council has thus increased their wheat production forecast by 10 million tonnes from last month.  As prices have fallen, consumption is considered likely to rise (albeit less than the rise of production) and the amount held by the major exporters is also seen rising 4 million tonnes.  A reminder as well that, whilst headline stocks suggest global wheat is at a very high level, over half of this is now held by China, a country that holds no reputation for trading large quantities.  Indeed, buying or selling grains is something it tries hard not to do.

The chart below shows how grain prices around the world (in their own currencies) have slipped steadily since the start of the harvest period, leaving the UK grain (wheat) price in a relatively strong (if precarious) position.  The Pound has taken another step down in strength this week (see article above) adding value to grain and other commodities.

The EU has plentiful supply of barley, so it appears.  Much is of high enough quality for malting so demand for UK tonnages might be lower than usual. This might compound the amount that goes for feed in the UK.

DEFRA Crop Areas

DEFRA has released its provisional arable crop area results from the 2017 June Survey of Agriculture and Horticulture.  These only relate to England, but tend to confirm the trends seen in the AHDB survey results for Great Britain reported on last month; an increase in the spring barley and oat area, but a decline in wheat, winter barley and OSR. There are some interesting differences however.

The results for the wheat area are pretty similar, DEFRA is suggesting the English area has declined by 2.5%. The AHDB figures showed a 3% fall for the whole GB.  The DEFRA figures show the winter barley area has declined by 4% to 361,000 Ha, whilst the AHDB figure was just a 1% drop.  DEFRA is also suggesting another big increase in the spring barley area, up by 15% to 478,000 Ha, AHDB ‘only’ saw a 9% rise.  This is mirrored by the results for oats, according to DEFRA the oat area has increased by 17% to 120,000 Ha, whilst the AHDB survey suggested 7%.

The drop in the oilseed rape area in England was not quite as big according to the latest figures from DEFRA – winter OSR plantings declined by 3.8% (AHDB survey suggested 5% for GB).  Similar to the AHDB results, the East Midlands and Eastern areas saw the biggest drop in OSR plantings: between them they account for almost 48% of the total area, meaning declines in these areas of England are significant.  The Eastern region saw plantings drop by 10.9% in 2017 (14,000 Ha for the region).  Spring OSR plantings only make up 2% of the total oilseed rape area at 8,000 Ha.

The area of uncropped arable land in England has fallen this year by 11% after two years of large increases (21% and 23%).  The figures are the first results and are subject to amendments. The final results will be published on 14th September 2017.  The full figures can be found at

Syngenta and ChemChina

The $43bn takeover of Syngenta by ChemChina was formally completed on the 28th July.  As part of the deal, ChemChina’s existing Adama subsidiary will have to divest itself of a number of crop protection products in order to allay fears about a lack of competition in the sector.  Syngenta will continue to operate as a stand-alone company for the immediate future.

Arable Roundup

Combines are now rolling in many parts of the country, although progress has been restricted by bands of rain in the last week or so.  Early reports suggest that the winter barley harvest has yielded close to average, or even a little above normal on some farms.  Crops on heavier land have, unsurprisingly, dealt with the spring dry spell better than others.  Data is at present limited, but it seems that quality of the early-harvested crops is reasonable too.

For oilseed rape the story is similar.  Yields seem better than the disappointing levels generally seen last year.  They are at around the five-year average or higher.  It is reported that there is a large range in results.  Whilst some crops have yielded very strongly, those that did not establish well, or were subject to strong pest and disease pressure, are coming in at very low levels.   A few wheat crops have been cut in the south, but it is too early to state what the overall crop results are likely to be.  There is some confidence of decent yields though.

In terms of prices, the continued weakness of the Pound, currently at 89p to the Euro, has helped buoy most crop prices through July.  At a global level there is concern about the North America crop, especially spring wheat, due to drought conditions.  Plantings were lower anyway and, with yields being hit, it seems likely the US will produce its lowest spring wheat crop in 15 years.  The same effect is seen in Canada.  These crops tend top be the high-quality milling wheats.  This should be good news for the UK where, thanks to shifts in the varieties being planted, we will have a surplus of milling wheat from this harvest.  However, because of quality differences, our grain cannot always replace the N. American grades.  Also, it appears the French will be producing large quantities of milling wheat this year as quality and quantity bounce-back from the rain-affected 2016 year.  All this means that milling premiums are likely to be under some pressure after this harvest.  At current UK prices, even with the weak Pound, domestic wheat is too expensive for export.

Feed barley prices are at historically high discounts to wheat, but the gap could close in the next few months.  The Spanish harvest has been hit by drought and this may open up opportunities for barley exports.  Malting prices have weakened a little as it appears that continental crops should provide decent yields and quality this season.  The oilseed market has been volatile with little clear direction as traders try to digest various weather and crop reports from North and South America.

Glyphosate Update

The saga of the reauthorisation of glyphosate continues.  EU Member States have held technical discussions on the plans to approve the active substance of a further 10 years (rather than the normal 15 years).   Further discussions are set for the autumn ahead of a vote before the end of the year when the current licence expires.  The EU Commission has clearly stated that it will be down to Member States to make the final decision.  In the past, there has been a tendency for countries to abstain from tricky political votes whereby the decision reverts to the Commission to make.  It has stated that it will not re-authorise glyphosate unless there is the support of a qualified majority of Member States. 

Sugar Price and Outlook

British Sugar and the NFU have agreed a small increase in the sugar beet price for the 2018 crop.  The guaranteed price will be £22.50 per tonne compared to £22 per tonne for the crop currently in the ground.  As last year, there is the opportunity for growers to contract at these levels for just one crop, or for three-years.  In addition, the bonus arrangements introduced last year will continue.  Those on the one year contract will receive 10% of the EU sugar market price once this rises above €475 per tonne.  Those on the three-year contract get 25% of the value above the threshold (capped if the price reaches €700 per tonne).  The price for out-of-contract beet has not been announced for 2018, but for budgeting purposes, is likely to be close to the £15 per tonne estimated for the 2017 crop.

In terms of whether the a bonus might be paid, it is worth remembering that it is calculated on the average monthly EU market price for white sugar as published by the EU Commission over the marketing year.  The EU sugar marketing year runs from the 1st October to the 30th September, so the bonus calculation for the current 2017 crop is not even running yet.   At present the EU sugar price is €495 per tonne – which would suggest a small uplift it holds at this level for the next 15 months.  However, the latest Agricultural Outlook from the EU Commission suggests that the European planted area of beet has expanded by 16% this year.  Production for the 2017/18 marketing year (2017 crop) could be 20% up on 2016/17.  This may well pressure prices. 

AHDB Planting Survey

Similar to last year, the 2017 AHDB Planting and Variety Survey shows an increase in the spring barley and oat area, but a decline in wheat, winter barley and OSR.  The wheat area is estimated to be 3% lower than in 2016; the fourth consecutive annual drop.  At the time of planting decisions, wheat prices were at an historical low point, which would have influenced growers choices.  In addition, the challenges of blackgrass continue to see producers look to alternative cropping.  Nabim Group 1 and Group 2 varieties continue their resurgence and are estimated to account for 40% of the area this year.  This is up from the 31% last year and is the highest since the variety survey started in 2006 (43%).


‘000 Ha – GB











% Change   16 – 17








Winter Barley







Spring Barley












151‚ ²


Cereals  Total ¹





3,024 ²‚


Oilseed Rape‚





553‚ ²







3,577 ²


¹ excludes ‘other cereals’ such as rye, triticale etc.   ‚ ² Oats & OSR figures for Wales not available yet (5,000 Ha for both in 2016)

For the fifth year running there has been a decline in the OSR area.   The Welsh oilseed rape figures are not available, but the English and Scottish combined area was down by 5%, recording the lowest area since 2004.  The East of England saw the largest decline (-24%) likely to be due to the increased risk of growing the crop due to the loss of agro chemicals (neonicotinoids) and also the very dry conditions experienced in the East at drilling time.

As can be seen from the table above, spring barley is the crop capitalising on the declines in wheat and OSR.  It is estimated to have increased by 9% compared to year-earlier levels.  This is the third consecutive year the crop has seen an increase as growers continue to turn to spring cropping to combat weed problems, spread workloads and address soil and fertility issues.

Neonics Study

New research has concluded that neonicotinoids are harmful to bees.  The latest study which was carried out by researchers from the Centre of Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) was funded by Bayer and Syngenta.  Whilst the agrochemicals companies don’t disagree with the findings, they are critical of the conclusions which CEH has drawn.  The study was significant because it is the first large, field scale experiment to look at the effect of neonicotinoid seed treatments on honey and wild bees.

The study took place across the UK, Germany and Hungary, monitoring three bee species.  Although the study found neonicotinoids have an overall negative effect on bees, the results are not clear-cut.  It found that exposure to neonicotinoid treated OSR reduced the ability of the honey bees to survive the winter in both the UK and Hungary, although no harmful effects were found in Germany.  The reason for this was unclear and could be in part due to the general healthier state of the hives in Germany and the fact that they also had access to a more diverse range of wildflowers to feed on.

Both Bayer and Syngenta are disputing the authors’ conclusions and do not agree that adverse effects of the seed treatment can be definitively determined from the study.  Bayer has stated that, in the vast majority of cases, they was little or no difference between the colonies which were feeding on treated or untreated crops and found it odd that the authors had highlighted the ‘very few statistically significant results in the data’.  The authors however are standing by their findings, which come at a critical time for the industry.  The EU is reviewing the 2013 ban and is considering an extension to the ban to restrict the use of neonicotinoids on all outdoor crops i.e sugarbeet, potatoes, cereals, fruit and vegetables.

Arable Markets in June

Crude Oil price has fallen in June (based on rising production in Libya and Nigeria) from over $50 to about $42 per barrel.  It had picked up to $44 by the end of the month.  Changes in this market affect the entire commodity matrix and is likely to have had an impact on grain prices.  This is not only because the two markets are linked through mutual investing by commodity fund managers, but more importantly because the link between grains and oil is now bound by the biofuel industry that uses more grains when the oil/grain price spread is great.

Harvest is about to start in East Anglia on some farms.  Following some scorching sunshine last week, pushing crops forward, the start of harvest might be a few days earlier than in an average year.  This is comforting buyers as the spread between old and new crop has come down to only a couple of Pounds.  Harvesting in southern Europe and Ukraine has already started.

We have been commenting over recent months on how this coming year is likely to be another net wheat importing year for the UK, making the 3rd in 5 years.  Before then, the UK had not been an importer for 20 years.  Official forecasts now agree.  Those who attended the Andersons Seminars last year will know this is a developing trend we have been forecasting for a couple of years.  Domestic wheat production has not been changing but the level of wheat consumption has been steadily rising.  All things being equal, this should be good news for UK wheat producers.  It changes the pricing basis from an ‘export parity’ to ‘import parity’ basis and should be worth a few extra Pounds per tonne.  There are regional variations on this though, depending on whether the grower is in a wheat deficit or surplus region.   

Fund managers and speculators have been changing their net position from short to long this month too (largely on the back of weather forecasts) which has created lots of price volatility with little market direction.  US spring wheat condition ratings have been falling but long range weather forecasts, in the US Midwest, project good growing conditions for maize.  Weather concerns in France have lowered their wheat yield projections.  The Paris Basin had the same heatwave as us and so the overall crop size could be trimmed; condition ratings have fallen and yield could be lower.

Globally, USDA predictions leave wheat stocks 3mt higher than last month’s prediction.  If anybody tells you there is a lot of wheat stocks around the world, please point out that half of that is in China and that in the rest of the world stocks are now falling.  Indeed, the rise of Chinese wheat stocks of 17 million tonnes outstrips the decline of 11 million in the rest of the world suggesting another 6 million tonne rise.  However, China does not tend to trade much and the Chinese surplus might not affect the rest of the World until the Chinese grain hoarding policy changes and stocks are sold internationally, as has happened in the past.

Barley harvest has started in parts of the Mediterranean. The EU Commission forecast suggests that whilst winter barley yield will be equal to the 5-year average, but higher than last, the EU’s spring barley crop is expected to be considerably lower, 6% down on the average and 9% down on last year.

Improved growing conditions for the US soybean crop have been reported by forecasters.  Rain in the Midwest has fallen that is good for their growing crop.  Global vegetable oil prices have fallen to a 15-month low and this has had an effect on UK oilseed values.