BPS Update

DEFRA intends to send out its next CAP information leaflet towards the end of October, but in the meantime a few pieces of information have been released which will be of interest to readers. Dual Use DEFRA has confirmed dual use will be able to continue once again for 2015 for all existing EnvironmentalStewardship agreements.  The […]

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Beet Contract Cuts

Sugar beet growers will see their Contact Tonnage Entitlement (CTE) cut by 9% for the 2015 crop.  As we reported in July, British Sugar (BS) is struggling with high sugar stocks – a situation which is likely to be exacerbated when this year’s large crop is fully processed.  At the same time sugar markets are weak.  […]

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New Online BPS System

All will be aware that come next May, it won’t be the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) but the Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) that eligible farmers will be claiming.  However, perhaps less known and less talked about is how physically this process will take place.  We wrote about this in July, but as more detail becomes […]

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Tighter TB Control in Wales

The exemption that allows cattle in Wales to be moved within aSole Occupancy Authority (SOA) without a pre-movement TB test will not be available after 30th September 2014.  Cattle moving within the SOA will need to test negative prior to movement.  Cattle keepers with an existing SOA who are planning to move cattle after the […]

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BPS Applications 2015

Now most of the CAP reform rules are known in England, attention is moving towards the mechanics of actually making a claim under the new Basic Payment Scheme (BPS).  Whilst most people will know (and fear?) that a new computer system is being put in place, the scale of the changes have perhaps not been […]

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TB Strategy Unveiled

DEFRA have unveiled their strategy for achieving TB free status in the UK. A total of 32,620 cattle were slaughtered as TB reactors or direct contacts during 2013. Owen Patterson has suggested unless a dynamic approach is taken we will see increased numbers of herds affected, a further geographical spread and a taxpayer bill exceeding […]

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2014 Uplands Transitional Payments

England Eligible beef and sheep farmers should have received their 2014 Uplands Transitional Payment (UTP).  In the final year of the scheme, the RPA has paid 99% of the total value and 99% of the eligible applicants a month earlier than usual; £750,000 has been paid to 440 farmers.  It is now focussing on getting […]

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Flood Financial Support Offered

With large areas of the UK continuing to be affected by storms and flooding, support has been offered to farming businesses.  Firstly, the major banks have pledged to offer overdraft extensions, mortgage repayment holidays, and fast-track loans.  Farmers should generally contact their local manager to access support.  The HMRC has also pledged its assistance.  For […]

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Glastir Update

.We wrote last month about the launch of the consultation on the proposals for Glastir during the next RDP round.  But land managers are reminded Glastir remains open for applications and Expressions of Interest.  Those with existing woodland or wishing to create new woodland can submit Expressions of Interest (EOI).  EOIs submitted for Glastir Woodland […]

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Welsh CAP Decisions

Wales will have three regions under the new Basic Payments Scheme (BPS).  This is one of the major decisions announced by the Minister for Natural Resources and Food, Alun Davies, on how CAP reform is to be implemented in Wales.  The full document can be found at http://wales.gov.uk/docs/drah/publications/140114directpaymentstofarmers-decisionsen.pdf. Regionalisation and Entitlements The biggest decision for […]

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