EU / NZ Trade Deal

On 1st May 2024, the EU-NZ Free Trade Agreement (FTA) entered into force.  This follows the initial announcement of the FTA back in July 2023 (see and the ratification of the deal by the EU in November.

The EU will benefit from the elimination of tariffs on key exports to NZ such as pig meat, wine (& sparkling wine), chocolate, sugar confectionary and biscuits.  In return, NZ achieves limited access to the EU market for imports of sensitive agricultural products such as beef, sheep meat and dairy products, through tariff rate quotas (TRQs).  This includes 10,000 tonnes of beef (phased in over 7 years) at a reduced tariff of 7.5%.  A duty-free TRQ for 38,000 tonnes of sheepmeat will also be phased in over the same period.  There are also new TRQs for milk powder and butter (both 15,000 tonnes, with varying duty rates), cheese (25,000 tonnes; 0% duty) and high-protein whey (3,500 tonnes; 0% duty).  All of these TRQs will also be phased in over 7 years.

As reported previously, NZ’s access to the EU market is much more curtailed for beef, sheepmeat and dairy products in comparison to the relatively more generous access that the UK has granted.  This is a function of the greater bargaining power of the EU and the eagerness of the UK to sign a new FTA with NZ as part of its independent trade policy. 

Trade Deals Study

The Scottish Government has published a study on the impact on Scottish agriculture of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the UK and four selected non-EU partners, namely: Australia; New Zealand (NZ); Canada; and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).  It found that these free-trade deals could have a significant negative impact on certain sectors of Scottish farming, particularly sheep.  The study was undertaken, in 2022, by Andersons and Wageningen University and Research (WUR).

The study quantifies the FTA impacts on selected Scottish agricultural sectors namely: cereals (wheat and barley); livestock (dairy, beef, and sheep); and potatoes.  This was done using two FTA scenarios; high and low liberalisation.  These were modelled alongside the current status quo (UK has left the EU but the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) is in place).  An Alternative Baseline (No-Brexit) scenario was also briefly examined.

The research was undertaken in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research (WUR) and used a combination of MAGNET, a computable general equilibrium economic model to assess the individual and aggregated impacts of each FTA, as well as desk-based research and interviews with industry experts based in Scotland, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the Gulf region.

Key Results

  • Impact of the selected FTAs is generally limited, but significant in some sectors: as Table A depicts, the projected long-term impact of the FTAs on Scottish output is relatively small in most cases. The exceptions are sheepmeat, where output is forecast to fall by around 10.5% to 11% under the Low and High Liberalisation scenarios. Beef and wheat are also projected to fall (both by around 3% to 6% depending on the scenario). Conversely, liquid milk output is forecast to grow by 3% to 9% in value terms, indicating significant FTA opportunities for dairy products. Barley is forecast to show a small long-term gain.
  • Cumulative impacts of future FTAs will be more significant: although the aggregated impact of the selected FTAs is relatively limited, the cumulative effect of multiple trade deals over the longer term should not be underestimated. This is especially so if the UK agrees FTAs with agricultural powerhouses such as the US and Mercosur (including Brazil and Argentina).
  • FTAs with Australia and NZ are main drivers of declines Scottish sheepmeat output: the new FTA is seen by many as a strong signal for NZ businesses to recapture trade with the UK, which was lost when the UK joined the EEC. Australia will also be keen to increase sheepmeat exports to the UK.
  • Beef sector will come under pressure but some opportunities also exist: whilst imports from Australia and NZ will create more competition, a trade deal with Canada is likely to generate some export opportunities. Given the brand recognition of Scotch beef, it should be relatively well-positioned to exploit such niches. That said, safeguarding domestic sales, particularly to UK retailers, from overseas competitors will remain most crucial.

  • The FTAs with Australia and NZ set important precedents: the recently agreed FTAs with Australia and NZ give important signals to other countries on what the UK is willing to cede in trade negotiations. Therefore, the standards that the UK is willing to accept for imports is pivotal, especially as other FTA partners will likely push for more concessions during negotiations. Any significant changes to standards relating to food safety and hygiene, the environment and animal welfare will have major implications for Scottish produce. This is not just on the home market, but overseas as well, especially in terms of highly-renowned brands such as Scotch Beef.
  • FTA opportunities for dairying the dairy sector is best positioned to see export growth, particularly to the GCC, where Scottish dairy produce has already gained traction in high-end segments. UK exports to GCC in 2018-20 are valued at £38m and could rise by as much as 49% in a High Liberalisation scenario. Opportunities theoretically exist to export to Canada, but, as it is highly protectionist, sales are likely to be limited to select niches.
  • Long-term impact of Brexit is deemed to be limited: Table A also shows relatively small differences in output under the Main Baseline (incorporating Brexit) and the Alternative Baseline (No-Brexit scenario). Although seed potatoes were not modelled, the loss of the EU markets for Scottish seed potato exports is significant and the restoration of this market access is a key goal for the sector. It should also be a primary objective for policy-makers.
  • Significant Farm Business Income (FBI) declines: of up to 60% in some sectors, in both the Main Baseline and FTA Scenarios in comparison with the Base Year (2019/20) although the differences between the Main Baseline and FTA scenarios are quite small. This is chiefly linked with declining prices.
  • New FTAs to have negligible impact on potatoes: industry input suggests that the new FTAs will have minimal impact on seed potatoes’ profitability. Instead, the impact of the loss of the EU market for Scottish seed potatoes is estimated to have led to a decline in seed potato prices of approximately 4%. Restoring market access to the EU27 and Northern Ireland is a priority for the sector.

Overall, the findings that more pressure will be exerted on the Scottish (and UK) beef and sheepmeat sectors are unsurprising as Australia and New Zealand are widely regarded as significant and highly competitive players on the world markets.  That said, the projected extent of declines on output is perhaps not as pronounced as some might have feared, although the declines are still significant.  The report also suggests some opportunities for dairy products, particularly in the Gulf region. 

The Summary Report is available on the Scottish Government website via:


Australia and NZ Trade Agreements

Trade deals with Australia and New Zealand (NZ) have been announced with much fanfare over recent months.  However, progress has stalled in converting these agreements-in-principle into legal texts.  The target that this would be concluded by the end of the year now looks unlikely.

It is claimed that this is chiefly due to the UK rowing-back on the market access offered on beef and lamb so that the annual tariff-free quotas are based on carcase weight equivalent and not product weight (i.e. products shipped such as boneless beef or legs of lamb).  A carcase weight equivalent basis would essentially mean that there would be less scope for Antipodean suppliers to export high-value beef and lamb cuts to the UK market and capture the shares of British producers.

Whilst the proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement (which is being stalled by EU Member States) provided tariff-free quotas based on carcase weight equivalents, such arrangements are the exception in international Free-Trade Agreements (FTAs).  As the UK has formally applied to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), which Australia and NZ are members of, both countries are threatening to stall the UK’s application if their tariff-free market access for beef and lamb are calculated on this basis.

It remains to be seen how the impasse will be resolved, but one suspects that given the UK Government’s eagerness to join the CPTPP, it will concede on offering both countries access based on product weight.  This would mean some increased competition for UK producers and exporters from the EU but, as previous articles have noted, both Australia and NZ are heavily focused on the Asia-Pacific markets presently, thus limiting their capability to supply the UK market as well.

Trade Agreements with Non-EU Countries

With the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) in place, attention will increasingly shift towards Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with non-EU countries.  These can be divided into two broad categories;

  • Rollover FTAs: these are agreements that the UK had access to when it was an EU Member State.  In recent weeks, there has been significant progress.  To date, the Department for International Trade (DIT) has already completed agreements with 63 countries, 60 of which became effective from 1st January. The other 3 (Canada, Mexico and Jordan) have been partially applied.  This is an impressive feat considering the enormous challenges associated with Brexit and Covid-19.  Discussions continue with 6 more countries including Serbia and Ghana.

As our previous article noted, although the negotiation with Japan was technically a ‘new’ FTA negotiation, the deal is essentially a rollover of the existing EU-Japan Partnership agreement.  The UK-Japan agreement has some slight adjustments in terms of UK access to Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) and market access for products such as cheese.

  • FTA Negotiations Underway: before the end of the Transition Period, DIT was already focusing on progressing FTA discussions with several countries.  From an agricultural perspective, the most notable of these are the US, Australia and New Zealand.  These negotiations will need to be watched closely as 2021 progresses.

Although the US trade deal negotiations get the most attention, progress may dissipate somewhat during 2021 as the Biden administration will have other priorities to deal with.  However, talks will continue particularly as the UK-EU TCA has largely safeguarded the Good Friday Agreement – a key ‘red-line’ for the US.

Perhaps the negotiations which are most likely to conclude in 2021 are those with Australia and New Zealand.  As the tables below show, both countries are major exporters of meat (beef and lamb), dairy products and wine.  A trade deal with these countries will exert the most pressure on UK grazing livestock.  Admittedly, imports of beef and lamb from both countries into the UK and EU have been below historic levels recently.  This is mainly a function of a greater emphasis being placed on the Asia-Pacific region.  However, if the UK agrees a FTA with these countries it will lower trade barriers significantly versus current arrangements which operate via TRQs and standard WTO terms. 

Sources: Sources: Australian DFAT / NZ Government / Andersons

Australia has been particularly eager to progress trade negotiations with the UK.  Given the relatively high prices achievable in the UK, there is the potential for exports to be diverted from Asia-Pacific towards our market, particularly as China starts to recover from African Swine Fever and produces more of its own meat.  From an agri-food perspective, export opportunities to both countries are limited to niche areas.  Instead, the UK will use access to its food market as leverage to secure gains for its automotive and digital services sectors.

Longer-term, it inevitable that the UK will seek FTAs with other countries which will also exert significant competitive pressure on British farming.  Chief amongst these would be an FTA with Mercosur, which includes Brazil and Argentina – – both beef exporting powerhouses.  In recent years, Brazilian beef prices have been £1 per kg or more below the UK price.  So, whilst the UK might be a net importer of beef presently and there is some scope for prices to increase given the frictions now placed on imports from the EU, future FTAs with non-EU countries have the potential to torpedo such gains, given the large price differences.

The agri-food industry needs to play close attention to the progress of new FTAs during 2021 and beyond, as they will  have a huge influence over the future direction and competitiveness of British farming.  The Trade and Agriculture Commission (TAC) set-up by the UK Government in July 2020 to examine the impact of new trade deals on UK agriculture will have a central role to play.  However, it remains to be seen how much influence it will have in practice as Parliament will have the final say.

Trade Talks with Non-EU Countries

In recent weeks, there has been a noticeable increase in the pace at which the Department for International Trade (DIT) is seeking to conduct negotiations on free-trade with non-EU countries.  In addition to the highly-publicised negotiations with the US which commenced in mid-May, talks have also commenced, or are about to commence, with Australia & New Zealand and Japan.  This is in addition to negotiating ‘Continuity Agreements’ with various countries so that the UK can continue to trade with them after 31st December 2020 as it did when it was an EU Member State.  

UK-US Trade Negotiations

When the UK set out its negotiating objectives for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US back in March, it noted that US-UK trade was valued at nearly £221 billion and accounted for nearly 20% of the UK’s exports.  It claimed that, as a result of an FTA between both countries, trade could increase by £15.3 billion in the long-run.  It is therefore seeking to secure a comprehensive and ambitious FTA with the US, but was also keen to emphasise that it ensure high standards and protections for British consumers and workers.  This contrasts with the US negotiating objectives published in February 2019 which seek to ‘promote greater regulatory compatibility to reduce burdens associated with unnecessary differences in regulatory standards’ and to eliminate ‘unjustified trade restrictions’ (including labelling) that affect ‘new technologies’.

Although the UK Government have noted potential gains that could be achieved for British agriculture (e.g. increased access for lamb and cheese exports to the US), most debate has centred on the potential threat posed by permitting imports from the US which do not meet the standards that British farmers (or imports from the EU and elsewhere) currently adhere to.  In addition to issues posed by chlorinated chicken, there are also concerns around hormone treated and lactic-acid washed beef finding its way into the UK market.  It raises the prospect of UK farmers having to continue to adhere to current high standards on animal welfare and the environment whilst simultaneously being subject to competition from US importers producing to lower standards.

Whilst the UK Government might claim that it will seek for global food standards to be raised at the WTO level, relative to the US it is a small economy.  The US accounts for 23.7% of global GDP whilst the UK accounts for 3.4%.  Bargaining power is always crucial during trade negotiations and this dynamic becomes even more pronounced under an ‘America First’ US Presidency.  The threat to UK food standards is very real.  An FTA that permits significant volumes of US produce, produced to US standards, to enter the UK market would seriously erode the competitiveness of the British farming industry, not just domestically, but also in terms of exports to the EU.  For example, each year between 25% to 40% of the UK lamb crop is exported, almost entirely to the EU, which are valued at approximately £350 million per annum.  An FTA that gravitates towards US standards will significantly reduce access to the EU.  Increased access to the US market via UK-US FTA will not compensate.  For instance, the DIT estimates that lamb exports to the US would increase be £18m.

Australia and New Zealand Negotiations

On 17th June, the UK formally announced its objectives for the upcoming trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand.  Again, agriculture is likely to feature prominently, especially given the historical trading relationships which existed before the UK joined the EEC.

Another major focus of these negotiations will be the reduction in non-tariff barriers to trade as New Zealand in particular has embraced e-certification.  New Zealand’s standards are quite close to the status quo in the UK (and the EU); therefore its non-tariff barrier costs are already low for several products (e.g. lamb).

It is likely that increased access for beef, lamb, dairy and horticultural products will be amongst the key asks from Australia and New Zealand.  This would bring about increased competitive pressure on UK farmers but it is not attracting as much controversy because both countries’ production standards are perceived to be more acceptable than the US for example.  Geographic distance from the UK also limits their influence.  Indeed, both countries have been focusing more heavily on Asia in recent years.

From the UK side, its focus is on increased access for services, investment and digital trade.  Opportunities on the agri-food and drinks side appear to be limited to niche sectors such as the export of British sparkling wine and chocolate.

Japan Negotiations

These talks also commenced recently and, given that Japan recently concluded an FTA with the EU (which at the time included the UK), it is anticipated that such negotiations would be wrapped up quickly.  The Japanese Government is pushing for the talks to be concluded in approximately six weeks as it claims it needs to secure Parliamentary approval during the autumn session in order to be ready to become applicable in January.  The UK had initially hoped that it could roll-over the existing EU-Japan FTA into a UK-Japan equivalent, but the Japanese Government has sought separate negotiations in what is seen as a bid to secure greater concessions from the UK.  Like most FTAs, agriculture is a key issue.  Since the completion of the EU-Japan FTA, the Japanese Government has come under pressure from its highly protectionist domestic farming lobby to limit access to its market for agri-food.  The Japanese are also keen to secure the supply chains of its companies which use the UK as a base to supply into the EU so it is likely that it is also using these negotiations as leverage so that the UK secures a trade deal with the EU.

The UK Government claims that a UK-Japan FTA could increase trade between both countries by over £15 billion and that the UK economy could see a £1.5 billion benefit.  It remains to be seen what specific concessions Japan will seek on agri-food.  The UK already exports significant volumes of grain (e.g. wheat and barley) to Japan.  Export opportunities also exist for products such as whisky.

Other Negotiations

  • Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP): the UK has also reaffirmed its interest in becoming a member of the CPTPP which is one of the world’s largest free trade areas accounting for 13% of global GDP in 2018.  The CPTPP includes Japan, Australia and New Zealand amongst its members and negotiations with these countries are seen as a stepping stone towards joining this larger trade bloc which also includes Canada, Chile, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore and Vietnam.
  • Continuity (Rollover) Agreements: with the UK leaving the EU, it is seeking to replace the FTAs which the EU had agreed with other countries whilst the UK was still a Member State.  To this end, it has been pursuing Continuity Agreements with these countries.  To date, agreements have been concluded with approximately 50 countries, including Switzerland, South Korea, Chile and South Africa, as part of the South Africa Customs Union and Mozambique (SACUM) trading block.  Negotiations are ongoing with 16 others, including Canada, Mexico and the Ukraine.  Such rollover agreements are anticipated to have a limited impact on agri-food as they are largely seeking to replace FTAs that the FTA was subject to as part of the EU.

Whilst pursuing trade deals around the world is a crucial aspect of the UK’s independent trade policy, one must not lose sight of the fact that exports to the EU (£300 billion) accounts for 43% of total UK exports.  Furthermore, imports from the EU, which accounts for 47% of the UK’s total, plays a crucial role in the supply-chains of numerous companies.  Any major disruption in the supply of inputs would inhibit UK manufacturers’ ability to assemble finished products for export.  This is also true within the agri-food sector.  Therefore, securing a comprehensive FTA with the EU should continue to be the priority.  This can be done whilst also securing FTAs elsewhere but a considered approach must be taken.

A key danger is that the UK Government agrees trade deals in haste and that this could come back to haunt the UK in decades to come.  The global geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting quite rapidly.  The danger of a new Cold War, between the US and China is emerging.  Trade between both countries could become seriously curtailed.  The US is already a big agri-food exporter to China.  If it needs to look elsewhere, the UK will be a key target market. 

In any trade deal there are (excuse the pun) trade-offs between different sectors to get an agreement.  The danger is that agri-food might be sacrificed to allow trade gains elsewhere.