Potato Planting Delays

With trade for the 2017 potato crop remaining lacklustre, weather conditions have been significantly hampering 2018 plantings.  According to the Royal Jersey Company it is about three weeks behind schedule.  A combination of frozen ground earlier in the month and rainfall on the slopes has meant as at 19th March just 56% of the export crop had been planted, the furthest behind it has been for 10 years.  In addition, where planting has taken place, frost damage was widespread in the earliest crops that had emerged, although there are signs of recovery.  Indoor crops have started to be lifted, but again sub-zero temperatures have negatively impacted the growth of these.

The conditions are not unique to Jersey, anecdotal reports reveal the situation is similar in Cornwall, with planting progress significantly behind ‘normal’ years.  Even where planting is possible, the cold soil temperature is likely to hamper growth.  With the delays, we could see more earlies coming to market at the same time, which could put prices under pressure.  But the likely delays in the new crop, could help old season prices, particularly salad potatoes.  Reports suggest these have been storing well.


Other Arable News

  • AHDB Potatoes has published its annual market overview.  ‘Market Intelligence 2017-18’ contains a wealth of information about historical trends in the GB potato sector and the current situation.  For details see – https://potatoes.ahdb.org.uk/news/gb-potatoes-market-intelligence-2017-18
  • The area of oilseed rape looks set to recover for harvest 2018.  This is probably the most notable trend in cropping as data starts to come in from autumn plantings.  United Oilseeds is predicting an increase in area of 7% compared to harvest 2017, increasing the UK crop from 563,000 Ha to 603,000 Ha.  The wheat area will probably be largely unchanged whilst the trend of the last couple of years of less winter barley, but more spring will be maintained.  Pulses are likely to take a hit with the change in the Greening rules.  More information will be available when the AHDB’s ‘Early Bird’ Survey is released shortly.